Club Stories

Brad Usry, Chairman of the New Arena Committee

Augusta Richmond County Coliseum Authority 

Thank you to Brad Usry, Chairman of the New Arena Committee for the Augusta Richmond County Coliseum Authority, for speaking with us today. He shared a project update with us about the new arena. He also addressed about inclusion of Augusta Hockey.

                            Georgia and Augusta Economy Outlook at Marriott – January 7, 2025

Georgia Economic Outlook was started by Surendra Gupta, President of Rotatory Club of Augusta, Georgia in the Rotary Format with the pledge and invocation at the Augusta Marriott at the Convention Center. Dr. Jerome Whirl introduced the speakers.

Benjamin Ayers, Dean of the Terry College of Business, UGA told an audience of about 200 people at the that there will be “slightly more economic growth” but it will be strong enough to anticipate “a positive year” in 2025.

According to the printed report, several high-profile economic development deals, “the U.S. Army Cyber Command at Fort Eisenhower, and commercial operation of two new nuclear reactors at Plant Vogtle are major positives for Augusta’s economy.”

“I view this as a good-news forecast for the state of Georgia,” Ayers said. “We are predicting a slowdown, but not much, and we’re expecting a growth rate that will continue to be

Angie Cox, executive director of the Augusta Metro Chamber of Commerce, pointed out that the chamber welcomed more than 175 new members, suggesting an increase in businesses in 2024 mirrors a slight rise in the Augusta area population. More people are moving to Augusta to work in cybersecurity and health care, two labor sectors that drive the area’s economy.

“Positive net migration is expanding our labor force here in Augusta, ensuring that talent is available for growth, and that population gain obviously increases our demand here in Augusta for housing, for health care and for other consumer-facing industries,” Cox said.

In 2024, several companies made the choice to move operations to Augusta or to expand their current facilities.

                                  Dynamic Consulting

Katie Wynn has been facilitating workshops in personnel and team effectiveness for the last 20 years. She was born and raised in Augusta but started her career in Seattle where she was living with her husband Rob Wynn, Founder of Wynn Capital, who served in the Navy as an officer on a US Submarine. She has worked with Uber, Microsoft, Google, Amazon, TaxSlayer Marketing Team, Meybohm Marketing Team, Heritage Academy, Aurubis, and AU Development Team. She is an expert in the Insights Color Energy Tool, Enneagram, and Situational Leadership. She is mostly a lifelong student in what makes people, teams and organizations thrive.

    Retired General Perry Smith as a Program Speaker 

                                January 6, 2025

Retired Major General Perry Smith, for speaking to our club. Major Smith served over 30 years in the Air Force and is the author of “Courage, Compassion, Marine” and “Rules and Tools for Leaders”. He spoke about current world affairs on January 6, 2024.

Rotary Club of Augusta Christmas Party December 16, 2024

Rotary Club of Augusta had a Christmas Party at the Fat Man Restaurant meeting room on December 16, 2024, club meeting. A special meal was served to all the Rotarians and guests. Milli Huff, Erin Armstrong and Susan Jernigan decorated 10 tables with Christmas decorations.

The meeting started with Pledge and Invocation. Gould Hagler talked to 2 children about Christmas during his sunshine report. The president invited Milli and Erin to take over the podium to conduct the Christmas Party Program. They introduce Santa Clause. A trivia game was played for 15 minutes, and the winners won the gifts. Everybody sang three Christmas songs along with Millie and Erin. The piano was played by Joe.

In addition, the president gifted the club flag to our guest Jeff Jowdy from Nashville Club.

          DR Lauren Bingham – Program Speaker

Henry Holt introduced our guest speaker, Dr. Lauren Bingham. Dr. Bingham is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychiatry and Health Behavior at the Medical College of Georgia at Augusta University. She is also the Director of the Psychosocial Oncology Service at the Georgia Cancer Center. As a licensed psychologist, she provides support and therapy for patients and families undergoing treatment at the Georgia Cancer Center. She spoke to the club about the state of mental health care services in Georgia and stressed the opportunity for improvement and how our club can help the community. She shared that Georgia is the seventh most stressed state in the U.S. due to factors related to financial concerns, family matters, and health-related stressors. She shared what to look out for in yourself and others and how to be an advocate for mental healthcare. She also provided resources to assist individuals or others during a crisis or to seek mental healthcare services through counselors, psychologists, and psychiatrists.

Support Education

Thursday, August 15, 2024
Main article image for story titled 'Support Education'•Goal: Support Education
•$2,840 in supplies purchased
•Partner with Richmond County Schools
•5 members stuffed backpacks and delivered supplies to schools

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