Club Stories

Welcome To GRSP Student Kaushini Pathirana

Saturday, September 14, 2024
Main article image for story titled 'Welcome To GRSP Student Kaushini Pathirana'

Welcome Reception for the GSRP Student Kaushini Pathirana at the Susan Jernigan's house in July 2021. Many members of the GRSP committee attended the Reception.

Preparation of Packages by Rotarians for Salvation Army Center of Hope

Saturday, September 14, 2024
Main article image for story titled 'Preparation of Packages by Rotarians for Salvation Army Center of Hope'

Hamsa Thota, DG, Presented Paul Harris Fellow Pins to Rotarians 2021

Saturday, September 14, 2024
Main article image for story titled 'Hamsa Thota,  DG, Presented Paul Harris Fellow Pins to Rotarians 2021'

Support Education

Thursday, August 15, 2024
Main article image for story titled 'Support Education'

•Goal: Support Education
•$2,840 in supplies purchased
•Partner with Richmond County Schools
•5 members stuffed backpacks and delivered supplies to schools