

Organized on September, 23, 1914 by the Savannah Club, the Rotary Club of Augusta was formed nine years after the birth of Rotary. James M. Hull was the first president. The club went on to organize the Waynesboro Club, the Augusta West Club, the Augusta North Club, and the Augusta South Club. The Rotary Club of Augusta has an average of 160 Members.

Principle of Rotary

Rotary fosters the ideal of service as a basis of worthy enterprise and encourages development of acquaintance as an opportunity for service (networking), high ethical standards in your profession (The Four-Way Test), and advancement of international goodwill and understanding through peace and education through a world fellowship. We have four avenues of service: Club Service, Community Service, Vocational Service, and World Service. We support worldwide efforts to promote literacy, health, and peace. This is done through programs such as PolioPLUS, the placement of new wells for clean drinking water in poverty-stricken areas, and various youth programs.


Our club meets each Monday (with exceptions for holidays and other events) at Enterprise Mill Event Center on Greene Street in downtown Augusta. The club meeting begins promptly at 12:15. Members may arrive as early as 11:50 to go through the lunch line and fellowship before the meeting is called to order.
Financial Obligations
One-time Initiation Fee $75
Quarterly Dues $213.00
Optional Rotary Foundation Contribution per quarter: $25.00


Awards and Recognition Committee
This committee handles presentations of awards for Club Members.

Bulletin/Roster/DACDB Committee
This committee oversees taking minutes for our meetings and recording them in our bulletins. Also keeping up with our roster (members and info) to be recorded in dacdb.

CART Committee
This committee collects donations for cart and finds sponsors for matching contributions weekly. CART (Coins for Alzheimer’s Research)

Classification and Membership Committee
This committee handles placing incoming members into a classification depending upon profession and setting up new member orientation.

College Pick Em Committee
This committee handles the slate of college football games each week with odds and provides it to the membership for a competition of picking winners.

Community Service and Local Grants Committee
This committee helps finding service projects to be performed locally with monies developed or given to our Club.

DG Visit Committee
This committee arranges for a place to stay for our District Governor as well as meetings with the Board and introductions at our club meeting.

Family of Rotary Committee
This committee develops outside events for our members to include family members for different social events from baseball games to Valentines, Christmas or St. Patrick’s Day events.

Foundation Committee
This committee helps educate our membership about the works of the Rotary Foundation and works to raise money for the Foundation.

GRSP Committee
Welcomes members at all Rotary of Augusta meetings, social events, and other hosted events. This committee works closely with entertaining our foreign students each year by interacting with them and giving them a good American experience. Have them into your home for holidays special events, football games, trips, etc. Helping them become established in their new environment and interacting to spread great things about our country.

Global Service and Global Grants Committee
This committee works with our club and others to do projects in our countries by using our monies with other clubs.

Greeting Committee
This committee greets members each week. Typically, good for new members so they can learn about our members.

Hull Foundation Committee
The Hull Foundation is a portfolio of monies set aside in investments to provide needy students with funds to further their education. It has also been used to provide scholarship monies for our GRSP (Georgia Rotary Student Program) students as well.

Interact Committee
The Interact Committee establishes and mentors middle and high school students into the life of Rotary. We sponsor clubs at area schools and work closely with them on projects and invite them to our meetings to meet area professionals.

Literacy Committee
This committee works on projects in our community to help fight illiteracy. Could be as simple as reading books to children or providing them with books to read as well.

Membership Engagement Committee
This committee works to find ways to get our members engaged in the various functions and activities of our club.

Membership Development Committee
This committee works on developing new member candidates by observing the different professions in our club and enhancing the variety of our club into all areas of profession.

Memorials and Resolutions Committee
The committee works on providing resolutions for members who are deceased and should be recognized for the lifetime accomplishments. Usually have the families of deceased members to participate.

New Member Orientation Committee
This committee hold meetings outside of our club meetings to teach new members about Rotary and what is expected of new members.

Pledge and Invocation Committee
This committee sets up different committee members to hold our Pledge of Allegiance and a Prayer at the beginning of each meeting.

Programs Committee
This committee locates speakers to provide for our meetings on a wide variety to our club which would be both educational and enlightening.

Public Relations and Scrapbook Committee
This committee promotes our club through various medias to help us grow and spread the wonderful works of Rotary.

Rotaract Committee
This committee helps develop clubs at colleges and technical schools and works with them on service projects and helps us spread the great things of Rotary. We encourage members of Rotaract to attend our meetings.

Rotary Area Council Committee
Really no idea but thinking it is members from each of the local clubs partnering on service projects and other items?

RYLA (Rotary Youth leadership Academy) Committee
This committee helps select students to go to camp during the summer to learn about Rotary.

Signature Fundraiser Committee
This committee helps locate a signature fundraiser each year to raise monies for one specific organization which serves our community.

Speech Contest Committee
This committee runs a speech contest for local high school students and awards them prizes. It involves the students writing and giving speeches to a panel of judges who select the top speakers. The speaker then go onto larger competition’s.

Sunshine Committee
This committee provides a little sunshine to our club through mentioning local events, birthdays, club anniversaries and tidbit news.

Website Committee
This committee works on our website design as well as updating our information as it changes.

Upcoming Events

Meeting Dates and Times

Vaccines-World Polio Oct 24, 2024
Speaker: Dr Roger MacArthur
Topic: Discussion on World Polio

More info

GAP Ministries - Signature Fund Beneficiary
Speaker: Naomi
Topic: GAP Ministries Community service

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Moving the Needle: When and How of Mental Health
Speaker: Lauren Bingham
Topic: When & How of Mental Health

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No Club Meeting - Veterans Day Holiday

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