Club Service
The Rotary Club of Augusta experience includes friendships in and out of Rotary. It extends to our spouses, partners and neighbors. Each meeting includes a ‘Sunshine Report’ helping us to keep up with member’s life experience and weekly news and celebrations. topic. We have a time members can announce good news & celebrations And we have general announcements allowing members to share news and events occurring in other organizations they hold dear. Most members arrive at least 15 minutes before each meeting for time to socialize with friends. WE have a Program Speaker each meeting. Sometimes we have social program instead of a Speaker.
Donations of Children books to Blythe Elementary School on Dec 13, 2024
The Literacy Committee would like to thank the club for your financial support and books for Blythe Elementary. We thoroughly enjoyed shopping for those of you who donated money and using your gifts wisely. Blythe Elementary sits in a rural point of Richmond County and is extremely grateful for our support for the children and the families they represent.

Dan Roger’s Presentation at the Rotary Club of Augusta, GA
Dan Rogers, Scout Executive Georgia – Carolina Council, discussed Scouting in Augusta. Dan shared his experience backpacking as a scout on the Appalacian Trail and how he had backpacked 13,000 miles. Dan mentioned the many scouting activities including summer camp at the Knox Scout Reservation, the Adventure Center which has swimming, fencing, disk golf, and camps. He also highlighted a local scout who had raised 10,000 dollars for his troop.
For more than 100 years, Scouting programs have instilled in youth the values found in the Scout Oath and Scout Law. Today, these values are just as relevant in helping youth grow to their full potential as they were in 1910. Scouting helps youth develop academic skills, self-confidence, ethics, leadership skills, and citizenship skills that influence their adult lives.
While various activities and youth groups teach basic skills and promote teamwork, Scouting goes beyond that and encourages youth to achieve a deeper appreciation for service to others in their community.
Faye Hargrove received a Moral Compass patch for her work in Scouting.

Children's Hospital of Georgia
Provide $1,000 in meals to our health care providers and first responders while the club was not meeting in-person from March to October 2020. Approximately 100 meals per week were served for 32 weeks for a total of 3,200 meals.
Children's Hospital of Georgia
Provide $1,000 in meals to our health care providers and first responders while the club was not meeting in-person from March to October 2020. Approximately 100 meals per week were served for 32 weeks for a total of 3,200 meals.
Children's Hospital of Georgia
Provide $1,000 in meals to our health care providers and first responders while the club was not meeting in-person from March to October 2020. Approximately 100 meals per week were served for 32 weeks for a total of 3,200 meals.